Monday, November 2, 2009

Chpt 3: Enter Zaraki!

"My name is Coliendar, a member of the Espada Negativo." the figure introduced.

"Espada? Didn't they all die 10 yrs ago?" Jubei pondered out loud.

"My dear lass, you were not listening were you?" Coliendar chided.

"It's Espada Negativo, the negative Espadas. Do not lump us together with those losers." he added.

"Well sooorry, it doesn't matter to us, you are just another enemy to defeat!" Ryuunou shouted.

Coliendar only smiled, staring intently at Ryuunou before disappearing, surprising all present. Sensing something, Ryuunou Flashed Stepped as well, leaving only Kazuki and Jubei wondering where they went. Suddenly there was a loud crash and both of them turned to see Coliendar holding Ryuunou by the neck and pressing him against the metal grilles of the park a short distance away.

"Impressive Flash Step boy, but it is nothing compared to my Sonido." Coliendar said as Ryuunou struggled to escape from his grip.

Amused, Coliendar continued watching Ryuunou as Kazuki and Jubei Flashed Stepped behind him in an attempt to save their friend. Hacking and slashing relentlessly, Coliendar just kept smiling as the attacks did nothing.

"Please, with such pathetic reiatsu as yours, even 10 of you wont even scratch me." Coliendar gloated, of which he just released a burst of his own reiatsu.

Not only did Kazuki and Jubei get thrown back, Ryuunou, who is at close proximity of the wave took it head on and felt the wind knocked out of him. Gasping for breath, he struggled even harder to break free. Coliendar was more amused than ever. Playfully, he slowly tighten his grip just like the Hollow did.

Slowly, Ryuunou felt his consciousness slipping. Before everything turned black though, he heard a voice in his head.

"What's up Ryuunou? Why aren't you fighting anymore? I thought you said it is the only thing keeping you alive?"

"Nii-san!? That means I am dead already isn't it?" Ryuunou said.

"Silly, you are not dead, at least not yet. Come on little brother, don't forget the promise we made that day."

"I-I, I can't. I can even hear anything anymore." Ryuunou moaned.

"Really? Can't you hear him screaming at you? Listen carefully..." the voice got softer, but there was something else in the background...

Suddenly, Ryuunou found himself in a large field which had a large ring of fire encircling him. Straining, Ryuunou tried hard to listen but he could only hear something akin to swords clashing at each other. The sound steadily grew louder and louder until it became almost unbearable. Ryuunou tried to cover his ears. As he did however, there was a voice shouting out.

"Don't cover your ears! Listen to me! You must fight!!"

"Wha-" Ryuunou looked around in surprise. All he could see was the fire and suddenly, a large shadow with several facial features and thousands of weapons trailing behind it ghostly clashing against each other.

"Use me, - to fight!" it shouted, nothing coming out at certain parts

"What? Come again, I can't hear you properly!" Ryuunou shouted as the clashing grew louder.

"Call me! I am - ! Call my name, - with the command Tatakae! I will lend you my powers!" it shouted.

"Call you what? I really can't hear you at all!" Ryuunou shouted back.

"Argh! Forget it! Here! Grasp this!" it shouted, thrusting a hilt that seemed to grow from its shadowy arm.

Hesitating, Ryuunou's arm instinctively reached out and his fingers slowly wrapped around the hilt. As he did, a sense of familiarity coursed through his entire body.

"Good, now listen good, because you still can not hear my name, I can not fully aid you. All I can do now is grant you a boon of my powers momentarily. Use it well." it said.

Nodding his head, Ryuunou pulled the hilt, again, by instinct, and out it came, a proper zanpakuto.

"Now, before you return, listen to this command 'Dai Ichi Kyu! Hasido!' **'First Level! Activate!' this will grant you access to only a fraction of my power but it should be enough to save you from his grip." it instructed.

Quickly, Ryuunou memorized the command.

"Remember it? Good, now get back there!" the shadaow did not wait for a reply before grabbing Ryuunou by the shirt and threw him into the darkness above.

Instantly, Ryuunou was back in Coliendar's grip. Tightening his hand, he was relieved to feel the hilt of the zanpakuto in his grip. Everything that had happened must have been in a flash as there is a look of surprise on the faces of all present. Swinging with all the strength he could muster, Ryuunou closed his eyes and recalled the command he was instructed.

"Dai Ichi Kyu! Hasido! **First Level! Activate!" he shouted.

Instantly, the zanpakuto changed form and a surge of energy welled up in his arm. At such close range and in his surprised state, Coliendar could not escape the counter attack and took it head on. The resulting explosion caused both of them to separate from each other. After the dust had cleared, Ryuunou stood up shakily, holding before him an impressively large zanpakuto.

Just as quickly as the energy had come, it left. The zanpakuto suddenly became very heavy and Ryuunou fell to his knees, unable to handle the weight. As the blade touched the floor, it transformed back into a normal zanpakuto and gained the weight of one. There was no time to be surprised though, Coliendar stood up as well, not seriously hurt though.

"Well, look who has fangs too. Time to get serious!" he shouted, drawing his zapakuto and dashing at Ryuunou.

Just barely raising the zanpakuto, Ryuunou took a hit strong enough to send him crashing back a distance. As he fumbled up, the zanpakuto crumbled into dust.

"Dunno what you are up to, but its time to die!" Coliendar appeared in front of Ryuunou and slashed at him.

Before it could connect, it was countered by another slash, one with enough force to push Coliendar back. Ryuunou looked at his saviour. It was a man with a large build, a eye patch on his right eye, and spikey hair with tiny bells at the end of each tip. He was also dressed in the standard Shinigami garb with a white sleeveless hakama with the number 11 behind.

"Zaraki Taichou! **Captain Zaraki!" Kazuki shouted.

What? Zaraki? Zaraki Kenpachi!? Ryuunou was awed but the fearsome aura that Zaraki exuded just by standing there.

"Eh? Who the hell are you? State your name and Squad!" Zaraki demanded.

"Sir! Yagyu Kazuki from the 11th Squad! Sir!" Kazuki answered.

"Eh? My squad? Don't remember anyone like you, but whatever..." Zaraki dismissed Kazuki and turned to face Coliendar.

"So ya gonna fight or not? I am itching for a good match after being bored for so long!" he taunted.

"Nah ah. My orders were clear, I am not to engage any captain or vice captain level people. So ciao!!" Coliendar sheathe his zanpakuto and leapt into the sky as a Garganta appeared.

"Brat, I'll be seeing you again, hopefully!" he shouted, disappearing into the black space and disappearing.

"Tch, what a wet blanket..." Zaraki turned away disappointed.

"You there, pretty impressive strength you got from what i see. Would really want a guy like you in my squad." Zaraki then went off.

Helping Jubei to her feet, Kazuki cam over and helped Ryuunou up too. Together, they headed over to Ryuunou's place before Kazuki and Jubei went back to the academy.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Chpt 2: The New Enemy, Espada Negativo!

"Its been a while eh, Ryuunou?" the leader said.

"" Ryuunou replied softly, but before he could continue, the Hollow roared loudly and started attacking.

"Spread out and cover me!" Kazuki ordered and the team jumped into action.

Fanning out into a hexagonal formation, pointing at the lumbering Hollow, their index and middle fingers started glowing.

"Bakudo no roku ju ichi! Rikujokoro! **Binding Spell: No.61! Six Rods Prison of Light!" They shouted in unison.

Six thin, wide beams of light slam into the Hollow's midsection, holding it in place. The Hollow froze momentarily but began struggling against the spell. Acting fast, Kazuki Flashed Stepped several times, hacking away at the Hollow but to no effect.

"Rah Hahaha... that little toothpick of yours wont do much against me! My skin is harder than most Hollows!" the Hollow roared.

Unfazed, Kazuki immediately sheathed his zanpakuto and entered the batou stance. **Note that the batou stance is one where the sword is always sheathed to be drawn at high speeds n a single slash.

"Hishou! Hikousen! **Soar! Flying Light Flash!"

Drawing his zanpakuto at an incredible speed, 7 flashes of light in the shape of crescants flew at several portions of the Hollow's body. However, the Hollow's words proved true as the flashes of light crashed onto the body but left only a thin cut.

"Tch...the hell? That only scratched him!" Ryuunou exclaimed.

"Gah Hahaha! You see? You are powerless before me! Before I have fun with you, Iwill get rid of these annoying pests!" the Hollow gloated and in one violent movement, broke the binding spell holding him.

The rebounding shock wave sent the shinigamis maintaining the spell flying and knocked out cold. Kazuki quickly retreated several steps and re-sheathed his zanpakuto. Not intending top let Kazuki fire another wave at it, the Hollow dogged him relentlessly which Kazuki could only respond by dodging.

Before long, Kazuki slipped and lost balance for a moment. It proved dangerous as that moment was all the Hollow needed to send its claws crashing down on Kazuki. In that instant, Ryuunou appeared in a flash and was moving so fast, he managed to divert the attack enough for it to miss and gave Kazuki time to retreat further.

"Heh, you sneaky bastard, when did you learn the Flash Step?" Kazuki mused as
Ryuunou flashed beside him.

"Been practicing it since 3 years ago when you showed me that move." Ryuunou replied.

"Heh. you always had a knack for the weirdest things." Kazuki said.

"Yeah? Enough about me, you gonna do something about this guy right?" Ryuunou asked.

"I still need some time to focus or I can't use that move." Kazuki replied.

"Time eh? You got it!" Ryuunou said as he Flash Stepped in front of the Hollow's face.

Annoyed, it swiped at Ryuunou but swept through thin air as Ryuunou Flash Stepped out of the way. Circling the Hollow and occasionally stepping on its arms and legs, Ryuunou bought Kazuki the precious time he needed. Landing on its Head, Ryuunou Flashed Stepped away as the Hollow bashed its own head in its fluster.

Roaring in pain, it began thrashing about more violently and Ryuunou found himself quite breathless from constantly Flash Stepping and had to stop for a breath which the Hollow took advantage of. Grabbing hold of Ryuunou's lower torso, it began to tighten its grip, intending to slowly crush Ryuunou.

"Argh!! Kazuki, ya done yet!?" Ryuunou shouted in pain.

"Damn, almost done, a few more seconds! You'd better get outta the way, I can guarantee how much I can control this move!" Kazuki shouted.

"Shit! Lemme go you overgrown lummox!!" Ryuunou pounded uselessly against the hand gripping him.

"Don't try anything funny or your pal here goes with me!!" the Hollow raised its hand so that Ryuunou was on the path directly in front of Kazuki, not realizing that Ryuunou had begun mumbling silently...

"Ye lord... Mask of blood and flesh, all creation..."

Kazuki gripped the hilt of his zanpakuto tightly, deciding to put his faith in his friend's escape.

"Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!" Ryuunou raised his palm toward the Hollow's face as Kazuki's eye widen in surprise as he recognized the incantation.

"Hado no san ju ichi! Shakkaho!! **Destruction Arts: No. 31! Shot of Red Fire!!" a red ball of energy several times larger than the one Kazuki had fired was shot onto the Hollow's point blank.

In great pain, the Hollow released Ryuunou who promptly Flashed Stepped away as Kazuki took this opening to release his attack.

"Dai Sen Ha!! **Great Flash Wave!!" Kazuki swung his blade.

A giant crescant wave of light flew and seemingly passed through the Hollow harmlessly. Ryuunou flashed beside Kazuki.

"What the...? Dude, I bought you time for this? It didn't even faze it!" Ryuunou exclaimed. Kazuki merely smiled.

"Watch." he told Ryuunou.

As they watched, a thin line appeared where the technique had passed through and the Hollow was split into 2. Sheathing his zanpakuto. Kazuki heaved a sigh of relief.

"Whew, that takes care of it." he said.

"Nii-san! Ryuu-kun!!" Jubei called out, running to them.

"Well, well, what have we got here?" an eerie voice resounded all around them.

Stunned, the 3 friend glanced franticly at their immediate surroundings. Puzzled that no one was around, they heard some sort of ripping noise. Looking up, the sky was splitting apart, revealing a black space.

"What? A Garganta!? Here!?" Jubei exclaimed.

Walking out of the black space, a figure dressed in black and what looked like remains of a Hollow's mask lining his forehead floated before them.

"I never thought that a Hollow nearing it Menos stage was defeated by 3 brats." the black figure said.

"Who are you anyway?" Ryuunou asked.

"Me? Well, I suppose introductions are important." the figure said.

"My name is Coliendar, a member of the Espada Negativo."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chpt 1: First Encounter

Its been 10 yrs since the final battle. In that battle, Kurosaki Ichigo faced off Aizen Sousuke in a climatic battle that shook Soul Society and the human world to its core. The battle resulted in the Hougyoku being destroyed and the shockwave that occured caused the barriers between Soul Society and the human world to collapse. What happened after was a complete fusion of both worlds and enabled normal humans to see shinigami and of course the hollows. There was chaos for a while but everyone eventually settled down and a new lifestyle arose. Apparently, anomalies that happened were that humans now have increased latent reiatsu and through training can bring forth their powers and become shinigami. This lead to the creation of the Shinigami Academy where humans and Spirits alike can enroll to become shinigami. This provided the humans with another path iwithin the current study system where they can give up normal academic lives to begin one of the shinigami profession.

As for who I am? The name's Kenichi Ryuunou, 17yrs old. Just another unhappy teenager living a boring academic school life. The only form of enjoyment I have is beating the crap out of people who bug me, which is what I am doing right now.

"Get him!!" a voice shouted from the alley way.

Running from the alley way, Ryuunou with a bloodied lip ran from a gang of delinquents. Ryuunou may like brawling but he knows when to quit, especially when it was easily 20 against 1. The gang dogged Ryuunou relentlessly, slowing driving him into a corner.

"We got him now!!" one of them shouted.

Making a sharp turn ahead, Ryuunou found himself before a wall and trapped. The gang arrived and widen their eyes in shock. Ryuunou was no where to be seen. Where did he go? A few streets away on the other side of the wall, Ryuunou appeared in a flash. Taking a few deep breaths, he headed home.

"Heh, luckily I've this move up my sleeve." he mused.

Reaching home, he tried to quietly sneak up to his bedroom, only to be caught by his mother.

"Ryuu-chan? I know you are there, why are you home so late?" his mother called out from the kitchen.

"I was busy with something..." Ryuunou replied, shuffling his feet into the kitchen, bracing for what is to come.

"Fighting again!? Ryuunou, how many times must we go through this!?" Kenichi Maya, 38yrs old, exclaimed when she saw her son's bloodied and bruised body.

"Look, they started it. Besides, school is so boring, brawling is the only thing keeping me alive." Ryuunou retorted.

"Ryuunou, that is no way to behave to your mother, grow up will you?" Kenichi Hajime, 42yrs old, chided.

"Well, excuse me, I would grow up if you would let me join the academy instead of school. Even Kazuki and Jubei have entered for 4 years already!" Ryuunou argued.

"We have had this conversation before and the answer is still "no"!" Hajime shouted.

"Why not!? I don't get it, you never let me do anything I want!" Ryuunou cried out.

"Maybe we would if you were half like Kai..." Hajime bagan.

Ryuunou lost it.

"Don't compare me with Nii-san!! Thats all you two talk about! It's always Nii-san this Nii-san that! I've had it!!" Ryuunou stormed up to his bedroom.

"Dear, don't you think you said too much?" Maya asked worriedly.

"He has to do something about that attitude of his." Hajime said.

Damn it...What do they know? Ryuunou lamented on his bed. Rolling over, he went to sleep. Early the next day, Ryuunou woke up, changed into some fresh clothes and went for a jog. All was peaceful until he reached the townspark. There he heard an explosion accompanied by a woman flying through the air. Catching the woman, Ryuunou was shocked to see Yagyu Jubei, one of his childhood friends, dressed in the standard issue shinigami academy uniform.

"Jubei? Oi!! You ok?" Ryuunou shouted.

"Ryuu-kun? Ah, look out!!" Jubei pushed Ryuunou out of the way as a clawed hand slamed down on the spot they were at.

"Hollow!?" Ryuunou shouted.

"Ryuu-kun, stand back!" Jubei shouted as she drew her Zanpakutou.

Dashing forward, Jubi engaged the Hollow in combat while Ryuunou stood and watch. However, Jubei was no match and was knocked down. As the Hollow came in for the finishing blow, Ryuunou dashed, and disappeared. There is a loud crash and the Hollow looked around for something. A short distance away, Ryuunou appeared with Jubei in his arms.

"Ryuu-kun...?" Jubei blushed as Ryuunou held her in his arms. "Ah! Ryuu-kun, you're hurt!" Jubei exclaimed as blood dripped onto her face from a cut running above Ryuunou's right eye.

"Don't worry, its ok." Ryuunou assured her.

"Heh Heh, then dodge THIS!!" the Hollow exclaimed from behind.

"Oh Shit!!" Ryuunou turned around to the Hollow's clawed hand coming down.

"Hado no san ju ichi! Shakkahou!! **Destruction Arts: No.31! Shot of Red Fire!"

A crimson ball flew over Ryuunou's head and slammed into the Hollow's hand with which it roared in pain and retreated a few steps. Ryuunou's eyes widen in shock as a group of academy students Flash Stepped before them. It was not the students that surprised him but the leader of the group.

"You....." Ryuunou began as the person turned his head and smiled at him.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Intros First

Hey there ppl! As some of you may know, I currently have 3 blogs under me for fictions. Make that 4 including this one. This is another fanfic, one on bleach. First things first as always, i do not own own bleach in any manner and all rights belong to Tite Kubo, the creator of bleach. Now that's cleared, i will begin introducing the main characters.

Kenichi Ryuunou, 17yrs of age and a shinigami wannabe. Hot headed and rash, he can always be found in the midst of a good brawl. He has got a pretty foul mouthed attitude but very loyal to his friends and will not hesitate to beat the living daylights outta anyone who disses his friends, will become a member of the 11th Squad.

Yagyuu Kazuki, 17yrs of age and a shinigami academy student. Calm and reserved, he is Ryuunou's best friend since childhood can be considered the sheathe that keeps Ryuunou in check. Cares deeply for his sister and hopes that she can find someone who cares for her. Member of the 11th Squad as well.

Yagyuu Jubei, 17yrs of age and a shinigami academy student. Twin sister of Kazuki, she has a huge crush on Ryuunou but the feeling is not mutual. Just like her brother she is calm but tends to overly rely on Kazuki and Ryuunou to bail her out of situations so she is very easily bullied. Also a member of the 11th Squad.

Kuromichi Ryou, 18yrs of age and a member of the 11th Squad. Ryuunou's rival in the series. Both hated each other's guts when they first met but throughout their time together they formed a comradeship with each other of sorts and support each other.
He is a powerhouse and is constantly leaking reiatsu, an anomaly of his that is both an asset and a liabilty.

Kenichi Kai, ??yrs of age and Ryuunou's older twin brother. Nothing much can be said about him except that he has been missing for a long time and he was very close to Ryuunou.

Ok, thats about it for now. The zanpakutos are a secret and will be revealed later. I would also like to credit my friend stymr for the char of Kuromichi Ryou. Well, look forward for the first chapters soon.