Friday, October 30, 2009

Chpt 2: The New Enemy, Espada Negativo!

"Its been a while eh, Ryuunou?" the leader said.

"" Ryuunou replied softly, but before he could continue, the Hollow roared loudly and started attacking.

"Spread out and cover me!" Kazuki ordered and the team jumped into action.

Fanning out into a hexagonal formation, pointing at the lumbering Hollow, their index and middle fingers started glowing.

"Bakudo no roku ju ichi! Rikujokoro! **Binding Spell: No.61! Six Rods Prison of Light!" They shouted in unison.

Six thin, wide beams of light slam into the Hollow's midsection, holding it in place. The Hollow froze momentarily but began struggling against the spell. Acting fast, Kazuki Flashed Stepped several times, hacking away at the Hollow but to no effect.

"Rah Hahaha... that little toothpick of yours wont do much against me! My skin is harder than most Hollows!" the Hollow roared.

Unfazed, Kazuki immediately sheathed his zanpakuto and entered the batou stance. **Note that the batou stance is one where the sword is always sheathed to be drawn at high speeds n a single slash.

"Hishou! Hikousen! **Soar! Flying Light Flash!"

Drawing his zanpakuto at an incredible speed, 7 flashes of light in the shape of crescants flew at several portions of the Hollow's body. However, the Hollow's words proved true as the flashes of light crashed onto the body but left only a thin cut.

"Tch...the hell? That only scratched him!" Ryuunou exclaimed.

"Gah Hahaha! You see? You are powerless before me! Before I have fun with you, Iwill get rid of these annoying pests!" the Hollow gloated and in one violent movement, broke the binding spell holding him.

The rebounding shock wave sent the shinigamis maintaining the spell flying and knocked out cold. Kazuki quickly retreated several steps and re-sheathed his zanpakuto. Not intending top let Kazuki fire another wave at it, the Hollow dogged him relentlessly which Kazuki could only respond by dodging.

Before long, Kazuki slipped and lost balance for a moment. It proved dangerous as that moment was all the Hollow needed to send its claws crashing down on Kazuki. In that instant, Ryuunou appeared in a flash and was moving so fast, he managed to divert the attack enough for it to miss and gave Kazuki time to retreat further.

"Heh, you sneaky bastard, when did you learn the Flash Step?" Kazuki mused as
Ryuunou flashed beside him.

"Been practicing it since 3 years ago when you showed me that move." Ryuunou replied.

"Heh. you always had a knack for the weirdest things." Kazuki said.

"Yeah? Enough about me, you gonna do something about this guy right?" Ryuunou asked.

"I still need some time to focus or I can't use that move." Kazuki replied.

"Time eh? You got it!" Ryuunou said as he Flash Stepped in front of the Hollow's face.

Annoyed, it swiped at Ryuunou but swept through thin air as Ryuunou Flash Stepped out of the way. Circling the Hollow and occasionally stepping on its arms and legs, Ryuunou bought Kazuki the precious time he needed. Landing on its Head, Ryuunou Flashed Stepped away as the Hollow bashed its own head in its fluster.

Roaring in pain, it began thrashing about more violently and Ryuunou found himself quite breathless from constantly Flash Stepping and had to stop for a breath which the Hollow took advantage of. Grabbing hold of Ryuunou's lower torso, it began to tighten its grip, intending to slowly crush Ryuunou.

"Argh!! Kazuki, ya done yet!?" Ryuunou shouted in pain.

"Damn, almost done, a few more seconds! You'd better get outta the way, I can guarantee how much I can control this move!" Kazuki shouted.

"Shit! Lemme go you overgrown lummox!!" Ryuunou pounded uselessly against the hand gripping him.

"Don't try anything funny or your pal here goes with me!!" the Hollow raised its hand so that Ryuunou was on the path directly in front of Kazuki, not realizing that Ryuunou had begun mumbling silently...

"Ye lord... Mask of blood and flesh, all creation..."

Kazuki gripped the hilt of his zanpakuto tightly, deciding to put his faith in his friend's escape.

"Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!" Ryuunou raised his palm toward the Hollow's face as Kazuki's eye widen in surprise as he recognized the incantation.

"Hado no san ju ichi! Shakkaho!! **Destruction Arts: No. 31! Shot of Red Fire!!" a red ball of energy several times larger than the one Kazuki had fired was shot onto the Hollow's point blank.

In great pain, the Hollow released Ryuunou who promptly Flashed Stepped away as Kazuki took this opening to release his attack.

"Dai Sen Ha!! **Great Flash Wave!!" Kazuki swung his blade.

A giant crescant wave of light flew and seemingly passed through the Hollow harmlessly. Ryuunou flashed beside Kazuki.

"What the...? Dude, I bought you time for this? It didn't even faze it!" Ryuunou exclaimed. Kazuki merely smiled.

"Watch." he told Ryuunou.

As they watched, a thin line appeared where the technique had passed through and the Hollow was split into 2. Sheathing his zanpakuto. Kazuki heaved a sigh of relief.

"Whew, that takes care of it." he said.

"Nii-san! Ryuu-kun!!" Jubei called out, running to them.

"Well, well, what have we got here?" an eerie voice resounded all around them.

Stunned, the 3 friend glanced franticly at their immediate surroundings. Puzzled that no one was around, they heard some sort of ripping noise. Looking up, the sky was splitting apart, revealing a black space.

"What? A Garganta!? Here!?" Jubei exclaimed.

Walking out of the black space, a figure dressed in black and what looked like remains of a Hollow's mask lining his forehead floated before them.

"I never thought that a Hollow nearing it Menos stage was defeated by 3 brats." the black figure said.

"Who are you anyway?" Ryuunou asked.

"Me? Well, I suppose introductions are important." the figure said.

"My name is Coliendar, a member of the Espada Negativo."

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