Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chpt 1: First Encounter

Its been 10 yrs since the final battle. In that battle, Kurosaki Ichigo faced off Aizen Sousuke in a climatic battle that shook Soul Society and the human world to its core. The battle resulted in the Hougyoku being destroyed and the shockwave that occured caused the barriers between Soul Society and the human world to collapse. What happened after was a complete fusion of both worlds and enabled normal humans to see shinigami and of course the hollows. There was chaos for a while but everyone eventually settled down and a new lifestyle arose. Apparently, anomalies that happened were that humans now have increased latent reiatsu and through training can bring forth their powers and become shinigami. This lead to the creation of the Shinigami Academy where humans and Spirits alike can enroll to become shinigami. This provided the humans with another path iwithin the current study system where they can give up normal academic lives to begin one of the shinigami profession.

As for who I am? The name's Kenichi Ryuunou, 17yrs old. Just another unhappy teenager living a boring academic school life. The only form of enjoyment I have is beating the crap out of people who bug me, which is what I am doing right now.

"Get him!!" a voice shouted from the alley way.

Running from the alley way, Ryuunou with a bloodied lip ran from a gang of delinquents. Ryuunou may like brawling but he knows when to quit, especially when it was easily 20 against 1. The gang dogged Ryuunou relentlessly, slowing driving him into a corner.

"We got him now!!" one of them shouted.

Making a sharp turn ahead, Ryuunou found himself before a wall and trapped. The gang arrived and widen their eyes in shock. Ryuunou was no where to be seen. Where did he go? A few streets away on the other side of the wall, Ryuunou appeared in a flash. Taking a few deep breaths, he headed home.

"Heh, luckily I've this move up my sleeve." he mused.

Reaching home, he tried to quietly sneak up to his bedroom, only to be caught by his mother.

"Ryuu-chan? I know you are there, why are you home so late?" his mother called out from the kitchen.

"I was busy with something..." Ryuunou replied, shuffling his feet into the kitchen, bracing for what is to come.

"Fighting again!? Ryuunou, how many times must we go through this!?" Kenichi Maya, 38yrs old, exclaimed when she saw her son's bloodied and bruised body.

"Look, they started it. Besides, school is so boring, brawling is the only thing keeping me alive." Ryuunou retorted.

"Ryuunou, that is no way to behave to your mother, grow up will you?" Kenichi Hajime, 42yrs old, chided.

"Well, excuse me, I would grow up if you would let me join the academy instead of school. Even Kazuki and Jubei have entered for 4 years already!" Ryuunou argued.

"We have had this conversation before and the answer is still "no"!" Hajime shouted.

"Why not!? I don't get it, you never let me do anything I want!" Ryuunou cried out.

"Maybe we would if you were half like Kai..." Hajime bagan.

Ryuunou lost it.

"Don't compare me with Nii-san!! Thats all you two talk about! It's always Nii-san this Nii-san that! I've had it!!" Ryuunou stormed up to his bedroom.

"Dear, don't you think you said too much?" Maya asked worriedly.

"He has to do something about that attitude of his." Hajime said.

Damn it...What do they know? Ryuunou lamented on his bed. Rolling over, he went to sleep. Early the next day, Ryuunou woke up, changed into some fresh clothes and went for a jog. All was peaceful until he reached the townspark. There he heard an explosion accompanied by a woman flying through the air. Catching the woman, Ryuunou was shocked to see Yagyu Jubei, one of his childhood friends, dressed in the standard issue shinigami academy uniform.

"Jubei? Oi!! You ok?" Ryuunou shouted.

"Ryuu-kun? Ah, look out!!" Jubei pushed Ryuunou out of the way as a clawed hand slamed down on the spot they were at.

"Hollow!?" Ryuunou shouted.

"Ryuu-kun, stand back!" Jubei shouted as she drew her Zanpakutou.

Dashing forward, Jubi engaged the Hollow in combat while Ryuunou stood and watch. However, Jubei was no match and was knocked down. As the Hollow came in for the finishing blow, Ryuunou dashed, and disappeared. There is a loud crash and the Hollow looked around for something. A short distance away, Ryuunou appeared with Jubei in his arms.

"Ryuu-kun...?" Jubei blushed as Ryuunou held her in his arms. "Ah! Ryuu-kun, you're hurt!" Jubei exclaimed as blood dripped onto her face from a cut running above Ryuunou's right eye.

"Don't worry, its ok." Ryuunou assured her.

"Heh Heh, then dodge THIS!!" the Hollow exclaimed from behind.

"Oh Shit!!" Ryuunou turned around to the Hollow's clawed hand coming down.

"Hado no san ju ichi! Shakkahou!! **Destruction Arts: No.31! Shot of Red Fire!"

A crimson ball flew over Ryuunou's head and slammed into the Hollow's hand with which it roared in pain and retreated a few steps. Ryuunou's eyes widen in shock as a group of academy students Flash Stepped before them. It was not the students that surprised him but the leader of the group.

"You....." Ryuunou began as the person turned his head and smiled at him.

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